THE WORLD NEEDS GOODNESS THE WORLD NEEDS TRUTH THE WORLD NEEDS BEAUTY I am human. And so, presumably, are you. I am not perfect. God. I wish I was. Or, maybe I don't. I am grateful for my humanity. My imperfection. My failures, follies, and sins. I believe they are inseparable from my humanity. The person. The persona. It may not carry those weights. But the human does. And they are heavy weights. Very heavy. Acting forward anyhow. Creating the beauty. Seeing the goodness. Seeking the truth. The world is full of humans. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful; Humans. I love them. All of them. I wish their lives could, with ease; Be incredible. Beautiful, abundant, splendid, healthy. Truth; the truth of reality. Goodness; the goodness of reality. Beauty; the beauty of reality. We, as humans, are empowered to act towards these things. These wonderful, wonderful things. Ideas. Lies. Harmful. Ugliness. These things. These ideas. Are as real. And us humans; we are just as capable of creating these things. Just as capable of lying as uttering truth. Just as capable of harming as healing. Just as capable of seeing ugliness as beauty. We choose away from these things. I choose into the wonderful things. The wonderful phenomena. Wonder. I wonder. I wonder at the future. I wonder at the past. I wonder at what is, and what is not. I wonder at possibility. I wonder at potential. I wonder at myself; who am I, who have I been? Who will I be? And I wonder at the constraints. I am human. I am Human. I have been human, and I will continue to be human. Do we, humans, know what it means to be human? Do we know our possibility as humans? Do we know? Or do we wonder? The ability of one human to create beauty; to see goodness, and to seek the truth; It is incredible. The VOID. The VOID. We leave. And we return. And our action fills it. Our energy finds it. Our gravity needs it. The VOID will take us all; Just as the VOID gave us all. So fill it; fill it well. Fill it with beauty; Fill it with truth; Fill it with goodness; Do not create the ugly; Do not seek the lies; Do not cause the harm. Or? Or? Halt the harm. Destroy the lies. Find new beauty in what once was held as ugly. Is life about what we create? Or is it about what we create room for? Is life about what we seek? Or is life about the questions themself? Is life about what we see? Or is life about all that which is unseen? It's a challenging point. A challenging idea to really hold down. A tricky, tricky, tricky thing. I believe it must be both. And I can't say one is more important than the other. We must create, seek, and experience. We must destroy, ignore, and abject. Find the balance between these things. And you might just find; Your Humanity.